PlacementGroups of productsAddressOverview
Welcome to the stand registration tool. In the following you will be guided step by step through the entry process.

1. Desired stand data

Let us know your wishes. We will try to take them into account as far as feasible for us but at the same time ask for your understanding that changes to the layout might occur. We hereby expressly point out that the provided information cannot be a contractual condition.

Please also note that the stand boundaries must be strictly complied with. The installation and the presentation of exhibits and any decorative items in the aisles and in front of emergency exits are prohibited. We therefore ask you to check your space requirement.

The minimum size of a stand is 12 sqm with a minimum depth of 3 m in case of row and corner stands. The open sides of a stand have nothing to do with the position in the hall or at a crossroads. The basis for measurement and calculation is the right-angled outer surface of the stand. Projections, beams, fire extinguishing appliances and supports are included in these calculations. Stands can only be allocated in full metres (frontal width and depth).

The exhibitor is obliged to install 2.5m high partition walls if a modular stand is not constructed. Roll-Ups and poster displays may not be used as a stand perimeter.

You will find further information about special areas on our website.

Participation fees

  m   m²  
Stand form:Row stand
Corner stand
Head stand
Block stand
early bird

Participation fees in the open-air exhibition area

  m   m²  
Stand form:Row stand
Corner stand
Head stand
Block stand
Open air area

Guided Tours
Register for a tour by selecting one of the themes and including your contact details.
Name der Tour:

Please tell us the main focus of your product range.

Please quote one product number only! Further product numbers can be selected on the next page!

Marketing Package
Marketing Package (see Special Conditions of Participation, item 5) : EUR 519.00, plus VAT.
The package includes entry in the list of exhibitors in the respective directories offered as well as admission vouchers in the form of digital codes in
any quantity.
The conditions of participation can be read at the end of this order process.

If you register co-exhibitors, the marketing package of €519.00 and a co-exhibitor fee of €349.00 will be charged per co-exhibitor.

The prices quoted are subject to EUR 0.60/sqm stand area AUMA contribution fee and the standard hall flat rate
(hall lighting and heating for stand erection and dismantling and during the exhibition) of EUR 9.50 per square metre and the applicable German VAT.

Fields marked by * are mandatory.